Security, Self-Defense, and
Firearms Training.
Firearms training courses for first time gun owners to professionals. Custom designed and NRA Firearms courses by certified instructors.
Do I still need a License to Carry? Looking for License to Carry training? Have an LTC but need to be re-certified? Find information here.
Texas Level II (unarmed), Level III (armed), Level IV (Personal Protection Officer) security guard certification courses and re-qualifications.
TX DPS LIC#: F18935001
“I grew up in a gun free home. Which also caused me to have a “healthy”fear of guns in general, as I lacked the basic knowledge for guns and gun safety. I chose to enroll myself in the basic pistol course with FPNP Protective Services, taught by Joe. I went from being afraid of guns to being able to hit the target in the center. I plan on taking more courses with FPNP to get my License To Carry. I’m eager to learn more!”
Brittney L., San Antonio, TX